Living Water ® "thirst no more" ® Total Witness: for those desiring the maximum witnessing tool in order get the full impact. This label contains a lot of scripture and the steps to salvation.
Living Water ®- Lite "thirst no more" ® Lite Witness: for those desiring to penetrate the secular marketplace, "sow seeds," draw interest, and raise funds for missions and ministry, this is the tool. Best used in grocery stores, book stores and coffee shops, gyms, public bottled water dispensers, etc. (Prov.13:22)
da Nile "The Water of the World" ®
Exodus "The Finest Part of the Red Sea" ®
Holy Water "Cleanse Your Temple" ®
Holy Water ®
"for those who thirst for righteousness" Millennial RAIN ®
River of Life "pure, clear as crystal" ®
Open up the Windows of Heaven - Tithe ®
Water of the ROCK "Be Renewed By The Rock" ®
NOAH's reserve "Saved For HIS Finest" ®
Abundant Springs ®
Eternal Springs ®
Heaven's Mist ®
Quiet Waters ®
Fire Water ®
Genesis ®
All Living Water labels have been trademarked and registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). Any unauthorized use of the mark or similar markings is in direct violation of federal trademark laws. Please contact the LWP at if you suspect any unauthorized use.